Friday, July 07, 2006

New Look

I have refreshed the blog's look with the help of my friend Patricia. The default look was lending a dull and monotonous feel to the artwork. Newly added are the title banner, side banner and logo.

I had designed the title banner in Illustrator. Its a collage of the recent ambigrams i had made in the background with the title (in true blackletter) in foreground.

The side banner was also designed by me. It consists a random array of letterforms in different styles rotated randomly on a background of images related to davinci. The side banner emphasizes that in ambigrams you need to visualize the letterforms in different styles and from various vantage points.

The logo was completely designed by Patricia, my friend. It consists of two As (abbreviation for blog's title) inverted and placed over each other in keeping with reflection/inversion of letters in an ambigram.

I haven't changed much of the remaining template as my knowledge in html is limited.
Do comment on the blog's new look.


At 9:27 AM GMT+5:30, Blogger poloolop said...

Nice Header and Sidebar changes.
You may consider trying for metrics about the site.

At 1:26 AM GMT+5:30, Blogger Patrick said...

It is beautiful Roopak =)


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